What is green Power
Green power stands for electricity that is generated from renewable energy sources such as hydro, wind, solar, geothermal and biomass.
How do you track the green power?
Once the electricity is produced on site and fed to the grid, you cannot track it physically any more. In order to solve that issue a reliable tracking system is needed.
On European level such system was implemented through the European Directive 2009/28/EC, and more specifically article 15, which introduced the scope of the Guarantees of Origin (GOs). The concept of the GOs was further standardized via the European Energy Certificate System (EECS) provided by the Association of Issuing Bodies (AIB). The EECS makes trade, cancelation and use of GOs standardized across Europe.
The GO system is a virtual system. For each MWh produced, a renewable energy producer will receive one Guarantee of Origin, which will be registered within his virtual account (think like bank accounts). By using the standardized structure of the EECS system, the same RES producer can sell this GO in the market over the Europe and get the best premium price for it, so he can keep running his RES asset or eventually use the profit to invest in new renewable energy technologies.
When you buy Guarantees of Origin, you do not necessary need to switch from your current electricity supplier to another. Neither, you need any specific account or infrastructure in place. A variety of organizations and private companies are out there to offer GOs separately from the electricity services and to assist any environmental sensitive customer willing to buy green power.
Today, many private companies, but also municipalities and national agencies, clearly understand that green power purchasing can help meet their corporate goals related to the environmental sustainability.
How can I participate?
The answer is simple: Start using green power! Start buying Guarantees of Origin from renewable power production.
Furthermore, by consuming increasingly more green power, you can stimulate the development of more renewable energy technologies, and thus the environmental impact associated with the overall electricity generation could be vastly minimized in the future.
How it works
1Green production
For each MWh produced, a renewable energy producer will receive one Guarantee of Origin, which can be traded via the standardized system all over the Europe and thus to provide additional profit for further renewable investments.
Reliable tracking system
There is a wide recognized European standard for issuing, keeping, trading, cancelation and use of GOs around the Europe. This is a must, so any green activities can be correctly claimed and officially proved.
Green consumption
By consuming green power, you are supporting the production of electricity from renewable sources that meet a strict set of environmental criteria. The more green power is sold, the more renewable electricity will be generated. So do not lose time! Buying green power is a great way to make your private contribution for more renewable energy in your country or region. Take action today!